Sunday, July 30, 2006

Roman Holiday?

Actually, Lake Garda holiday but there were still scooters so go with it.

Of course there is plenty to tell and I shall reveal all in the next week. Look forward to the upcoming installments:

  • Germans in Speedos - Why God Why?
  • My sinful trip to the local church
  • My gondola ride with the obese, sea-sick man
  • Italian Men Love britpopbaby
  • My own father labels me a 'man-tease'
  • Why the city of Verona has a damn nerve
  • My holiday fling with the manicurist

But, for now, check out the amazing hotel I stayed at HERE. Looking at it now is making me cry.


Nothing Really Matters said...

I really wanna go to Italy! Next time can you take me?? I’ll be good. I can’t wait to hear about your trip!

Looking forward to: My sinful trip to the local church and My holiday fling with the manicurist.

Okay please don’t show the folling in pictures! Germans in Speedos - Why God Why? And My gondola ride with the obese, sea-sick man.

Agnes said...

God damn what a hotel I so want to be there! A spa how relaxing.

I will read all your posts.

Nice to have you back by the way but I can understand you that you cry when you look at your hotel I cry too even though its because I haven't been there.

mrs_dalloway said...

Oh,the luck! An obese sea-sick man?weren't gondola rides suposed to be romantic and all?..can't wait to hear that story!
I've never been to Italy,but I want to soo much! Maybe next it the most beautiful country in Europe indeed,as some say?should I continue drooling at it?(and at your hotel,by the way)

Becky Heineke said...

Ha ha ha!! "Man-tease!" Ha! I'm off to read Installment Number 1 (or whatever "number 1" is in I showing my ignorance here?).

DKBB said...

Wow, that's quite the palatial hotel you enjoy, britpop! Lucky you!

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