Monday, June 12, 2006

Weird Sunday

There was something odd about my Sunday. I don't know if it was because I got up at seven to go to the gym or because Dad and I made the exact same trip to PC World that we'd made on Saturday (driving the scenic route and stopping off for ice cream) but it was just weird. I don't think my Dad's fast decline into insanity is helping much but neither is my nonchalant attitude to life at the moment.

I think both my Dad and I were in a strange mood. Examples:

Dad: "Nice day for a car crash" as we avoided a pile up on the dual carriageway.

Dad: "Should we ram raid PC World?"
Me: "Nah, it's too hot"

Dad: "I could take him" aimed at some random bloke that walked past as we were pulled up at traffic lights.

Dad: "Why can't people concentrate when they're driving? It's a serious business but people are chatting away on their phones and trying to drink their takeaway coffees and not taking any notice of what they're doing" During this rant Dad took a wrong turn and we got lost in a business park. The irony.

Me: "I had a dream last night that I worked in a zoo as the Kangaroo keeper"
Dad: "Me too!"
Me: "Really?"
Dad: "No."

Dad to me as the ruler I purchased at the shittest zoo in the world falls out of my handbag in the middle of PC World:
Dad:"You're obsessed with zoos, you are"
Me: "No I'm not", as the badge I purchased at the shittest zoo in the world drops out too.

This next quote requires some back story: Both my Mum and Dad help run the local sailing club which is no way near as posh as it sounds. Think dinghys not yachts. Anyway, a lot of the boats were getting vandalised by local youths so the club set up security cameras to catch them. On our way back from the expedition that was PC World we dropped in at the sailing club because Dad wanted to check the security camera footage.
Dad: "Look at these pair!" in reference to a couple getting mildly fresh near the safety boat containers.
Me: "Dad, I think that's improper use of your powers and the security equipment"
Dad: "I think that's improper use of a boat!"

Maybe it's because it's been unseasonally hot and we've got summer madness?


Becky Heineke said...

And I thought my Sunday was weird because I ended it by watching "Clueless" with my dad! You definitely bested me...and made me almost burst some vital organ in attempt to quell my laughter. I almost lost control envisioning your zoo ruler. HAHAHA!!!

Miffed67 said...

I can see where your sense of humor comes from! Your dad's HI.larious!!!!!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Lol,Was it national spend the day with your day?? I also had a car journey with my dad where some twat was riding his bike in the middle of the road. Needless to say my dad was not very happy. Father’s day is next Sunday.

Agnes said...

LOL, I would blame the heat :)

DKBB said...

LOL..."improper use of a boat"!!!!!

It's apparent, BPB, that you are your father's daughter. ;)

And on a much more serious note, little ones, relish the times you spend with your me on this one...cuz someday you're gonna miss him like h*ll....

Anonyme. said...

Homicide rates rise when the heat soars...

Anonymous said...

Aww man, this is making my eyes well up. I miss you 'n' Jim. The one about you and your Dad synchronising dreams made me chortle as did ram raiding PC World. Although would YOU come out with anything useful? Sorry, I forgot, after your Dongle you're now an expert.

In similar Dad news, mine was looking for a book on the bookcase - I didn't even know he could read anything that didn't start 'Harry Potter and the...' - and the Family Health Encyclopedia fell on him and bloodied and bruised his nose. And my Mum laughed. I really think divorce is called for in relationships like that. I'll live with my Dad - he knows how to fix electrical items.

mrs_dalloway said...

Haha..Dads are funny,really. A month ago,my dad had quite a week.
He is kind of superstitious (education bla bla) and he has this thing with priests. He thinks that seeing a priest brings bad luck for that day.Yeah,whatever. And me,my sis and mom make fun of him constantly.
On a Monday evening, him and my mom were talking while looking out the window.And what is it that they saw?..Four priests getting into a car. That was the beginning of the end for my dad..he was hilarious!! he got sad and grumpy and he went to bed.
That week he had a major fight at work, his fingers were almost crushed by a door closed by my mom accidentaly, and he fell down of a huge chair..he was in pain the entire week,the poor guy, and each time something more happened, my mom was laughing like she had heard the best joke ever! Talk about sadism..
Divorce? no..better say..revenge! Muhahaha!

Anonymous said...

I'm just still stuck on "got up at 7 to go to the gym"!!

Sunday is the day of rest, is it not?

What? So I'm chosey about the Christian traditions I follow...!

Anonymous said...

I had to get up at 7 this sunday too.. it wasn't fun

matt of comooxdom said...

I always get around the problem by setting all of the clocks in the house six hours fast.